Posted: Oct 13 11:01:13 2021
Alayna is a Sydney Escort Dream Girl. She has an amazing slim size 6 figure. Alayna has gorgeous long blonde tousled hair, with beautiful looks. Alayna is only 18 years old and loves to please.
When you arrive, you will see a gorgeous, young, tight body and you will think I'm too good to be true.
Alayna has the ability to intimately connect with you on multiple levels with the aim to please in every situation. A sensual encounter that will have you take down your walls of hesitation and help you explore the higher levels of your sexual desires.
Whether it be a truly passionate and authentic GFE, a good girl gone extremely bad PSE, a delicious dinner before a night on the town or perhaps an exotic weekend for two, I will be your perfect companion and have you captivated inside the bedroom as well as out. The ultimate girlfriend, yet also porn star playmate at your service…. your wish is Alayna's command!
$400/1 hr
Gender: Female
Location: Sydney, NSW
Phone: 0451 670 140